Using Find Estimate and Update

To select an open repair order to update

  1. Select View > Workfiles from the menu bar. The Workfiles screen opens.
  2. Click Views from the Workfiles search criteria panel, and then click on the All option under Open Workfiles. The workfiles that match the search criteria appear in the Search Results pane.
  3. Click on the workfile that you want to work on, and then click Estimate > Find Estimate and Update from the mini-toolbar. The Select Estimate screen opens.

Note: This action only applies to workfiles that do not have an updated estimate detected from file import. Workfiles with Updated Estimate in the Updates column will display Update from Matched Estimate in the Estimate droplist from the mini-toolbar.  When this action is available the Select Estimate step is skipped.

To select an estimate for update

  1. From the Select Estimate pane, enter search criteria in the Search Terms field.
  2. Click on Match all of the words (default) or Match any of the words from the droplist, and then click Search. The estimates that match the search criteria appear in the Search Results pane.
  3. Click on the estimate to select it, and then click Next. The Update File screen opens.
  4. Click Next.Translation Exceptions screen opens.

Note: The Update File pane displays information in the Current Value and New Estimate Value pane. The fields that have different values between the compared fields are highlighted in red. Fields that have a blank value in the Current Value section is displayed in blue.

Alternately, click the Back button to enter new search criteria. Click the Cancel button to exit the Update Estimate wizard.

To adjust translation exceptions

  1. Click Next. The Adjust Exception screen opens.
  1. Click the Adjust automatically button, and then click Finish. The estimate data is imported and adjusted.

Note: The Translation Exceptions screen opens if an exception exists. The adjustment amount is displayed as a line item in the Totals tab.

Alternately, click the Ignore discrepancy selection button to continue the import without changes.


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